First time racing FMHSC Peewees



Peewee race day


On race day, show up early so you can beat the crowd and give yourself some time to relax and take it all in.   Gates open at 8:00.  A gate fee of Ten dollars for each person 12 years old or older will be charged.  Once inside find a good parking spot then head right for the sign up location.  Sign up and practice for PW starts at 8:30. It is usually in the main scoring trailer parked alongside the track.  Peewee sign up is usually on the track side of the trailer and regular sign up is opposite the track.  There will be a table with blank sign up cards.  Fill out a new card at your first event.  After that, use the same card each time and just sign the back for each event.   The cards are filed by alphabet but not alphabetical inside each letter file.  Look through all the cards in the file that your last name begins with before you fill out a new one.  Do not mix up the cards while you are shuffling through them.  Keep the A’s in the A file and so on … 


Make sure your card is completely filled out.  This will help us get you a flier next year and you will then be able to receive email notifications from us.


Make sure someone can read it! 


Make sure a parent or guardian signs the back for each race.


Entry fee is 10.00.


There are three classes to choose from:

Peewee A: This is the fastest class. This will be mostly 65cc bikes but we will allow bigger bikes when the rider is inexperienced or just moved up to the bigger size. We also allow an especially fast 50 rider. 

Peewee B: This is an intermediate speed class.  This will be mostly 50 race bikes and occasionally a 65cc bike where the rider is still learning the clutch bigger bike etc.  KLX 110 and XR 70 will often fit in this class as well. 

Peewee C: This is the slowest entry level. This will be the very smallest 50 bikes and the very youngest riders. NO training wheels allowed.


The numbering system will have all the Peewee A with a leading digit of 1 or single digit numbers.  Peewee B will have a leading digit of 2.  Peewee C will have a leading digit of 3.  We will have temporary numbers (just contact paper and a marker) available.


The peewee races are meant for the truest beginner rider.  Basic riding gear is a must but make sure they can safely move about and can find the brake in those big boots.  There is no set age limit at the top or bottom but the riders will mostly be 5 to 10 years old.  The courses are set up as easy as possible and with a five year old in mind.  Ten year old racers may find the courses a little too easy and boring some of the time.    


The first race is at 9:00 and lasts about 15 minutes.  To keep things safe, Peewee A class runs by itself.  A second race starts as soon as the track is cleared from the first race, about 9:15, and it combines the Peewee B and Peewee C. They also run about 15 minutes. The second race starts with Peewee B in one row and the Peewee C behind them but all go at the same time.  Sometimes it will just be all in one row if there is room.  If the attendance is very low (about 10 or less total) we may just run all the bikes at the same time.  If we do this, we will just run them all about 20 minutes and start at 9:00 so be prepared.


It is okay to follow the racers and usually a pit bike works much better than a full size bike but either are okay.  Having extra people out there helps keep the kids safe and gets them picked up fast when they fall.  We also have spectators scattered around the entire track most of the time and always have people in a “hard spot” to make sure everyone makes it through.  Scoring is done by computer but we are not using transponders at this time. 


Results will be posted on the scoring trailer about 9:50.  All racers will get an award.  The awards are usually given out at the riders meeting for the big race.  This allows for a lot more applause, cheers, and fanfare for the little racers.  There are no season points for the Peewees.


If you have any questions you can ask just about anyone you see.  This is just one big family and everyone loves to help others.


If you find racing to be fun, maybe you should experience the fun of helping with the setup of a race.  The entire organization is made up of volunteers.  Every race is set up by a bunch of volunteers who get nothing more than a work average to show for their efforts


Hope this answered all your questions but if it didn’t you can contact Dan Johnson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


A little bit more about the series…


To make this as informative as possible, let us start with the history of FMHSC…


Our series, the ‘Forward Motion Hare Scramble Championship’, began holding hare scrambles in the state of Kansas in 1979, at that time we were known as the ‘Kansas Hare Scramble Series’.  We have continued our events non-stop since that time.  Our series split off from the western half of our state in 1994 and adapted our current name at that time.  We also began holding races in Kansas and Missouri at that time. 


The next big step came in 2000 when Tammy Brooks launched her own website about and for the series at  Largely due to this website and the switch to computer scoring in 2001 attendance at our events began to steadily grow at approximately ten percent per year.  In 2007 we launched a new website:  and in 2008 we switched to Moto-Tally for our computer scoring.  In 2010 we had an average attendance of about 165 riders.  Moto-Tally allows us to use the results from each race to create an index system to ensure that riders are in the correct class, we currently have 11 class divisions.   The average attendance in each class varies from 10 to 35 riders.  We hold 15 races at twelve or more locations each season.  The races are almost all within a 120 mile radius of Kansas City.  Our season is from March through November.


We recognize the delicate balance between hard core race events and the need for a beginner friendly track.  Our courses are challenging but offer alternate routes when necessary to ensure every entry can make it around.  We want this to be a family event where everyone feels welcome and safe at all times.  We try to keep our tracks and pits safe for all riders and spectators.  Some tracks offer overnight camping.  To keep things safe for everyone, the pit area requires very slow operation of motorcycles and vehicles.  Always remember that children are playing all around the area and are sometimes hard to see.


We hope you will come give us a try and become a part of the Forward Motion Family.




Upcoming Events  

Mar 23 2025
Collins, MO
Apr 06 2025
Richmond, MO
Apr 27 2025
La Cygne, KS 1
May 18 2025
Leavenworth, KS
Jun 01 2025
Beer Ranch East
Jun 22 2025
Westmoreland, KS - RACE ORDER CHANGE
Jun 29 2025
Beer Ranch West
Aug 24 2025
Dave's Den Kickapoo, KS
Sep 07 2025
La Cygne, KS 2
Sep 21 2025
Jason's Playground - Orrick, MO
Oct 05 2025
Moto Farm - Parker, KS